Let’s talk travel etiquette—or as Gen Z calls it, travel icks. According to new research by Generator, this generation is over the cringe-worthy travel habits of yesteryear, and the results might surprise you. If you’re guilty of filming your entire trip for TikTok or sporting an ‘I Heart NY’ hoodie, you might want to rethink your travel strategy.

Gen Z’s Top Travel Icks
Despite being social media natives, Gen Z is not here for influencers filming their every move. In fact, the biggest travel ick is public TikTok-ing, with 26% of respondents saying they’d rather not see your #vacationvibes clogging up their feed.
Equally cringe-worthy? Wearing culturally inappropriate clothing (26%)—because nothing says “bad tourist” like donning a sombrero at a Mexican resort. Other top offenders include overly dramatic airport goodbyes (19%), flip-flops (17%), and rocking tourist merch (15%).
But wait, there’s more. Some classic travel habits have also hit ick status, including:
Documenting the entire trip on social media (12%)
Buying food or drinks from global chains instead of going local (8%)
Using Duolingo (8%)—because apparently, trying to learn the language is passé?
Passport covers (7%)
Buying souvenirs (6%)
Checking in luggage for a short trip (6%)
Queuing to board the plane before the gate opens (6%)
Getting to the airport earlier than necessary (5%)—surprisingly, not as cringe as it used to be!
Social Media Sounds Off
Gen Z’s travel gripes have gone viral, with TikTok and Instagram users sharing their biggest pet peeves. @NicoleTravelandLife lists ‘men wearing Speedos’ and premature boarding queues as top offenders, while @HenneyTravels declares war on backpacks worn on the front and—controversially—water bottles. Meanwhile, memes and reels roasting ‘ick-worthy’ travel behavior are gaining traction, proving that Gen Z is taking travel etiquette very seriously.
This isn’t the first time hertelier has explored the clash between social media and travel etiquette. Two years ago, columnist Nancy Mendelson wrote about the phenomenon in "When Tourists Get Selfie-Destructive" – highlighting how far some travelers go for the perfect shot, sometimes at the expense of common sense. It seems Gen Z is now leading the charge against these cringeworthy moments!
How to Avoid Travel Icks

Annajane Güzel, Global Director of Brand Marketing at Generator, sums it up: “Gen Z travelers are rewriting the rules of tourism, favoring authenticity over outdated travel clichés. From skipping the dramatic airport send-offs to steering clear of head-to-toe tourist gear, it’s all about embracing the destination in a more thoughtful and effortless way.”
The Research Behind Gen Z’s Travel Trends
Based on an online survey of 1,000 UK individuals, Generator's study reveals that Gen Z travelers prioritize authenticity over curated content, value cultural sensitivity, and are ditching traditional tourist behaviors in favor of a more integrated travel approach. The findings reflect a shift in priorities—while social media remains a big part of their lives, Gen Z travelers prefer meaningful, authentic experiences over curated content. The research also highlights the growing emphasis on cultural sensitivity, with nearly a third of respondents calling out inappropriate clothing choices as a major ick.
The data also suggests that Gen Z is moving away from traditional tourist behaviors, opting instead for a more understated and integrated approach to travel. From ditching the souvenir stands to arriving at the airport with just enough time to spare, it’s clear that this generation is rewriting the rules of travel etiquette.
The takeaway? Travel like a Gen Z pro. Blend in, be mindful, and, for the love of WiFi, put the phone down every once in a while. Because let’s face it—no one wants to be that tourist.
So, be honest—are you guilty of a travel ick?