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Job Titles Gone Wild: Why Your Work Identity Is Getting Stranger

Nancy Mendelson

Creating viral content is never our main consideration here at hertelier, yet when one of our articles does go viral, we get plenty excited about it, and one of my recent columns did…Beware of Predatory Curiosity. Go figure!  


So, as you can imagine, we were surprised and delighted…especially me! You see, ever since writing it, I have been noodling the notion that today, adding skills like “curiosity expert” to one’s toolbox is apparently taken seriously.  “Hmmmm” I wondered, “should I reconsider rebranding myself as a Fairy Godmother?” Oh yes, someone seriously suggested that…and oh, no I shouldn’t!


nancy mendelson hertelier

But why should I be surprised when, thanks to the tech sector, titles like Chief Experience Officer, Brand Evangelist, Sales Ninja and Happiness Hero have worked their way into the hierarchy of “mainstream” job titles.


“Strange job titles are becoming more and more common as companies, employees and recruitment agents increasingly look to make their job adverts and personal brands stand out in the digital marketplace, says the RC Team from Resume Coach in The 10 Strangest Job Titles Used by Real Companies


“The result of this has been increasingly bizarre creative job titles that don’t seem to describe the actual work being done. These may appear funny on a business card, but on an optimized resume, they can seem out of place.”


What's Up With Weird Job Titles? asks Matt Steinhausen in his article for Linkedin. “A job title should tell me what you do, not what you want your superhero power to be. I don't want to play guessing games or be bombarded by buzzwords when trying to figure out what an individual or company actually does.”

nancy mendelson hertelier

“Work as we know it today makes us do crazy things. One of the most embarrassing things is the childish competition to come up with the fanciest or most elaborate job title. In reality, these status symbols don't make you look good; they make you look like a straight up idiot” So, Stop The Stupidity Of Hyper-Inflated Job Titles, implores Corporate Rebels’, Pim de Moree.


“It's time we cut the crap on these meaningless job titles. Stop inflating your status to impress your friends and colleagues (or people on LinkedIn). Either ditch the horrendous job title altogether or come up with one that's free of any jargon and bullshit.”


 You’re speaking my language, Pim!  And a bibbidi-bobbidi-boo to you!


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